“In 1947, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar submitted States and Minorities to the Sub-Committee on Fundamental Rights of the Constituent Assembly of India.
As a member of this Sub-Committee, tasked with drafting the Fundamental Rights for the Constitution, Ambedkar created the document on behalf of the Scheduled Caste Federation, an organization he founded in the early 1940s, intending to propose safeguards for the Scheduled Castes.
However, Ambedkar expanded the scope of his mandate. States and Minorities resembled a mini- constitution, featuring a Preamble and draft articles on “Fundamental Rights of Citizens” and “Admission of States into the Union.”
It laid out a comprehensive constitutional framework aimed at protecting and empowering the Scheduled Castes. Notably, the document’s section on “Remedies against Invasion of Fundamental Rights” advocated for “State Socialism” and “Economic Democracy.””
“‘Waiting for a Visa’ by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is a brief autobiographical account written in 1935-36. It illuminates the pervasive caste-based discrimination faced by the Dalit community. The title metaphorically suggests the Dalits’ ongoing struggle for acceptance and dignity in Indian society.
Key Chapters
Childhood Experiences : Ambedkar recalls being denied help during his childhood travels due to his ‘untouchable’ status, leaving lasting trauma.
Academic Discrimination : Despite his advanced degrees, Ambedkar was refused accommodation and faced profound disrespect upon returning to India.
Transport Refusal : Hindu tongawallas refused to transport Ambedkar, highlighting dangerous, deep- rooted intolerance.
Superstition of Impurity : Casteism perpetuates beliefs in impurity and contamination, contrary to religious teachings on compassion.
Medical Negligence : A Dalit woman died in childbirth as a doctor refused care, showcasing deadly caste-based discrimination in healthcare.
Professional Disrespect : A Bhangi boy, despite his post as a scribe, faced disrespect due to his caste, forcing him to leave his job.
Historical Context : Discrimination against Shudras and untouchables has deep historical roots, with Ambedkar’s activism aiming to combat these injustices.”
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