Time And Self Management


312 Pages
AUTHOR :- Kanchan Dixit
ISBN :- 978-9352208098

The time that revolves like a spindle between birth and death is the life we have been given.The one who can hold the strings of this time can live life with happiness and satisfaction.Many realize this after the time has passed. Therefore, it is necessary to manage time and life diligently. For this

• How to clean the clock’s hands?
• What is the power of clarity?
• What are the techniques and mantras to solve the math of time?
• How is the time management different for women and men? You will learn this in this book.

Kanchan Dixit is a Time Management and Self Management coach. How to live a beautiful, mindful, and meaningful life through time management and self management without a clock, she has trained over a thousand individuals on this so far.

Time, an invaluable thing when looked upon, is literally available for free for us. That is perhaps why we may not understand its importance.Why time is important and how, if we use it consciously in our daily life, we can achieve very positive outcomes on both the physical and mental levels, this book provides a detailed study of that. Kanchan Dixit has shared exemplary things about how to manage life while managing time. This book will serve as a guide for everyone, from the young to the elderly, from employees to businessmen, and for both women and men.

Rajesh Mandlik
CEO & MD Setco Spindles India Pvt. Ltd.

About the Author

Kanchan Arun Dixit

Education – M.A. Marathi (University of Pune)
Experience – 2 years of teaching in a private educational institution in Pune.
Certified NLP (Neuro – linguistic Programming) Practitioner.
Consistent writing on the topic of Time Management.
Online courses on Time Management every month for three consecutive years. Trained over 1000 beneficiaries across all age groups.
Regular organization of lectures under the title "Change Habits, Change Life."
Invitations for training from Goa and Mumbai.
Interviewed in the Doordarshan 'SakhiSahyadri' program.
Online courses have received overwhelming responses from places beyond Baroda, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kolkata, including the USA, Dubai, Malaysia, London, Hong Kong, etc. The online workshop titled "Mind and Habits," open to all, has received an enthusiastic response.
The "Menu Planning" digital course, prepared for everyone, is available on the website. Similarly, there is an intention to digitize various courses in the coming period.


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